Gerhard Lehmbruch
Gerhard Lehmbruch (15 April 1928, Königsberg – 12 June 2022) was a member of the University of Konstanz. Lehmbruch received a doctorate and a Habilitation in Political Science from the University of Tübingen. Thereafter, he was professor at the universities of Heidelberg, Tübingen and Konstanz, from 1969 to 1996.Lehmbruch was Vice-president of the International Political Science Association (1988-91) and president of the German Political Science Association (1991-1994).
His research focused on German and comparative politics. He is a prominent researcher of liberal corporatism. He collaborated with Philippe C. Schmitter in his research on neo-corporatism.
Lehmbruch was awarded the ECPR Lifetime Achievement Award by the European Consortium for Political Research in 2009. He also received the Theodor-Eschenburg-Prize for his lifetime achievements of the German Political Science Association in 2003. Provided by Wikipedia
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